25 research outputs found

    Proceso inicial de construcci贸n de una gu铆a para la evaluaci贸n de la usabilidad en entornos virtuales de aprendizaje

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    The usability evaluation includes a method set to analyze the system use quality in different development life cycle stages, for which there are a wide variety of evaluation methods (EM), each method uses certain ways and techniques to measure different aspects. Its choice does not only depend on which answer you are looking for but on multiple factors, the problem arises when looking for which of the existing EM are appropriate to assess the Virtual Learning Environments (VLE) usability, considering that there aren麓t a combination methods or specific evaluation methods for this type of software to obtained a complete, consistent evaluation and considering factors such as effectiveness, efficiency, satisfaction, reasonable times, among others, this is why the following question arises: Which existing usability EMs are appropriate to apply on VLEs? This paper focuses on showing the initial process before the construction of the guide obtained from the EM combination that allows the usability evaluation in VLE. Process that was carried out, initially, with a bibliographic analysis about the usability EM of interactive systems existing and a comparison among them, where the first combination version was obtained, with this version, a metrics set was defined that will be applied to the VLE object of study and will allow selecting the useful methods to assess usability in this context. The result of the application of these metrics will be the combination of usability EM to form the VLE evaluation guide in upcoming research.La evaluaci贸n de usabilidad incluye un conjunto de m茅todos para analizar la calidad de uso del sistema en diferentes etapas del ciclo de vida del desarrollo, para lo cual existe una amplia variedad de m茅todos de evaluaci贸n (ME), cada m茅todo usa ciertas formas y t茅cnicas para medir diferentes aspectos. Su elecci贸n no solo depende de qu茅 respuesta se est谩 buscando, sino de m煤ltiples factores, el problema surge cuando se busca cu谩l de los ME existentes son apropiados para evaluar la usabilidad de los entornos virtuales de aprendizaje (EVA), considerando que no hay m茅todos combinados o m茅todos de evaluaci贸n espec铆ficos para este tipo de software para obtener una evaluaci贸n completa, consistente y considerar factores tales como efectividad, eficiencia, satisfacci贸n, tiempos razonables, entre otros, es por eso que surge la siguiente pregunta: 驴Qu茅 ME de usabilidad existentes son apropiadas para aplicar en EVAs? Este art铆culo se centra en mostrar el proceso inicial antes de la construcci贸n de la gu铆a obtenida de la combinaci贸n de ME que permitan la evaluaci贸n de usabilidad en EVAs. Proceso que se realiz贸, inicialmente, con un an谩lisis bibliogr谩fico sobre los ME de usabilidad de sistemas interactivos existentes y una comparaci贸n entre ellos, donde se obtuvo la primera versi贸n de la combinaci贸n, con esta versi贸n, se defini贸 un conjunto de m茅tricas que se aplicar谩n al EVA objeto de estudio y permitir谩 seleccionar los m茅todos 煤tiles para evaluar la usabilidad en este contexto. El resultado de la aplicaci贸n de estas m茅tricas ser谩 la combinaci贸n de ME de usabilidad para formar la gu铆a de evaluaci贸n de EVA en pr贸ximas investigaciones

    Editorial Note

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    Este n煤mero de la revista EJS contiene un selecto grupo de art铆culos del Workshop Decisioning 2022, con foco en la discusi贸n e intercambio de conocimientos entre la academia y los miembros de la industria.This issue of Electronic Journal of SADIO (EJS) contains a select group of papers from the Decisioning 2022 Workshop, with a focus on discussion and knowledge exchange between academia and industry members.Sociedad Argentina de Inform谩tica e Investigaci贸n Operativ

    Decisioning 2022 : Collaboration in knowledge discovery and decision making: Applications to sustainable agriculture

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    Sustainable agriculture is one of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) proposed by UN (United Nations), but little systematic work on Knowledge Discovery and Decision Making has been applied to it. Knowledge discovery and decision making are becoming active research areas in the last years. The era of FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) data science, in which linked data with a high degree of variety and different degrees of veracity can be easily correlated and put in perspective to have an empirical and scientific perception of best practices in sustainable agricultural domain. This requires combining multiple methods such as elicitation, specification, validation, technologies from semantic web, information retrieval, formal concept analysis, collaborative work, semantic interoperability, ontological matching, specification, smart contracts, and multiple decision making. Decisioning 2022 is the first workshop on Collaboration in knowledge discovery and decision making: Applications to sustainable agriculture. It has been organized by six research teams from France, Argentina, Colombia and Chile, to explore the current frontier of knowledge and applications in different areas related to knowledge discovery and decision making. The format of this workshop aims at the discussion and knowledge exchange between the academy and industry members.Laboratorio de Investigaci贸n y Formaci贸n en Inform谩tica Avanzad

    A process to improve collaborative work through shared understanding in problem-solving activities

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    Collaborative work is becoming increasingly complex and assertive communication is necessary to solve problems in collaborative activities, where the actors must coordinate so that the group works effectively and efficiently. However, achieving true collaboration is not an easy task, there are many factors that influence its achievement, where many of these have been investigated, but the analysis of critical cognitive factors is very scarce, and more those that allow good communication and consequently good coordination. One of them is shared understanding since when working collaboratively there must be common knowledge and understanding, which works as a joint reference base to work effectively and efficiently. Therefore, this work seeks to define a process to improve collaborative work through the construction, monitoring, and assistance of shared understanding. The process has had several versions and each of them has been validated in different contexts, obtaining different types of results, both in terms of its specification and formalization, as well as in terms of its use related to ease of use, feasibility, and usefulness in the construction of shared understanding, which has allowed improving the aspects that have been identified. Through a final validation in a case study, it was determined that the process does improve collaborative work, however, it is still necessary to have technological support elements and it is necessary to lighten the elements that compose it to make it more agile to use.Facultad de Inform谩tic

    Definition of mechanisms to monitor, evaluate and improve the collaborative learning process

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    Con el desarrollo constante de tecnolog铆as de la informaci贸n y de la comunicaci贸n se han abierto nuevas oportunidades de aprendizaje, y se ha reconocido el potencial de las nuevas tecnolog铆as y las formas en que pueden ser explotadas, por lo tanto se han incrementado los usos de la tecnolog铆a digital para apoyar la ense帽anza y el aprendizaje. En estas situaciones, la tecnolog铆a tambi茅n ha sido de gran auge para apoyar el aprendizaje colaborativo; es por esto que en este art铆culo se presentan estudios de casos realizados que permiten determinar cu谩les son los mecanismos m谩s adecuados para realizar el monitoreo, evaluaci贸n por parte del docente al proceso de aprendizaje colaborativo en un entorno acad茅mico de pregrado, lo cual a trav茅s de su utilizaci贸n permitan la mejora de dicho proceso. Teniendo en cuenta adem谩s las fases que definen el proceso de aprendizaje colaborativo: Pre Proceso, Proceso y Pos Proceso, donde en cada una de sus actividades se pueda tener uno de estos mecanismos nombrados anteriormente. Adem谩s de tener una definici贸n formal de dichos mecanismos de seguimiento, evaluaci贸n y mejora de un proceso centr谩ndose principalmente en la etapa de las actividades del Proceso, ya que esta nos permite mostrar el momento colaborativo en donde se involucra al docente y a los estudiantes y el apoyo de una herramienta para cada una de estas actividades.With the constant development of information technology and communication have opened up new learning opportunities, and has recognized the potential of new technologies and ways they can be exploited, therefore have increased applications digital technology to support teaching and learning. In these situations, technology has also been a great boom to support collaborative learning, is why in this article are presented case studies developed that allow determine the most appropriate mechanisms for monitoring, evaluation by the teachers to the collaborative learning process in undergraduate academic environment, which through its use allow the improvement of this process. Considering also the phases that define the collaborative learning process: Pre Process, Process and Pos Process, where in each of its activities can have one of these mechanisms named above. In addition to having a formal definition of such mechanisms for monitoring, evaluation and improvement of a process focusing mainly on the stage of the activities of process, as this allows us to show the collaborative time where teachers and students are involved and support a tool for each of these activities

    Aplicaci贸n del procedimiento formal definido para evaluar, monitorear y mejorar el proceso de aprendizaje colaborativo en su etapa de proceso mediante la creaci贸n de mecanismos

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    With the constant development of information and communication technologies, new learning opportunities have beenopened up, and the potential of new technologies and the ways in which they can be exploited have been recognized. Therefore, the useof digital technology has been increased to support teaching and learning. In these cases, the technology has also been a great boomto support collaborative learning, which is why this article shows how to apply the formal procedure generated to evaluate, monitorand improve the collaborative learning process, taking into account the execution of two case studies that were developed in differenteducational environments. The results indicated that it is not enough to provide a group of people with some activity and a softwaretool; it is also necessary to analyze all the external factors that can influence this process, mainly: characteristics of the groups, activitiesand technology. In addition to involving the use of a tool that contains the necessary mechanisms that allow the teacher to carry outmonitoring and evaluation of the collaborative process, thus generating the improvement of this.Con el desarrollo constante de tecnolog铆as de la informaci贸n y comunicaci贸n se han abierto nuevas oportunidades de aprendizaje, adem谩s de reconocer el potencial de las nuevas tecnolog铆as y las formas en que pueden ser explotadas, por lo tanto se han incrementado los usos de la tecnolog铆a digital para apoyar la ense帽anza y el aprendizaje. En este sentido, la tecnolog铆a tambi茅n ha sido de gran auge para apoyar el aprendizaje colaborativo. Es por ello que el presente art铆culo muestra c贸mo se hace la aplicaci贸n del procedimiento formal generado para evaluar, monitorear y mejorar el proceso de aprendizaje colaborativo, teniendo como base la ejecuci贸n de dos casos de estudio que se desarrollan en ambientes educativos distintos. Los resultados indican que no es suficienteproporcionar a un grupo de personas alguna actividad y una herramienta software; es necesario tambi茅n analizar todos los factores externos que pueden influir en este proceso, entre ellos: caracter铆sticas de los grupos, actividades y tecnolog铆a. Adem谩s de involucrar el uso de una herramienta que contenga los mecanismos necesarios que permitan al docente realizar un monitoreo y evaluaci贸n de dicho proceso para mejorar el proceso colaborativo realizado

    Validaci贸n de la especificaci贸n formal del proceso THUNDERS

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    Collaborative work encourages participants to build knowledge through exploration, discussion, negotiation, and debate to generate a better understanding or shared understanding of a concept, problem, or situation within a group. The aim of collaborative work is to find that shared understanding, which is understood as the existing agreement or similarity in the perceptions of the participants on a topic. Considering this, it can be determined that the greater the understanding and cohesion among all team members, the better results will be obtained in the development of the tasks and responsibilities that each of the members must fulfill, generating greater group trust and allowing everyone to move in the same direction. However, such understanding is not easy to build, there is no clarity on how it should be built, and it is simply given as something obvious or to be achieved, without giving it real importance. Trying to address these problems, from the multi-cycle action research methodology, THUNDERS is defined as a process that establishes how to build shared understanding in problem-solving activities. This article shows the conceptual and methodological cycles for its construction, and more in detail the validation cycle, in which was performed: an expert validation of the formal specification of THUNDERS to determine the correctness and completeness of its structure, a quality validation of its process model SPEM 2.0, and an experiment to validate its feasibility and usefulness. As results of these validations, it was obtained that THUNDERS needs to improve the syntactic and semantic elements of its specification and the cognitive load generated by its use. In addition, it was found that is a viable and useful process for the construction of a shared understanding with each of the elements that compose it.El trabajo colaborativo permite incitar a los participantes a la construcci贸n de conocimiento mediante la exploraci贸n, discusi贸n, negociaci贸n y debate, con el fin de generar una mejor comprensi贸n o entendimiento compartido de un concepto, problema o situaci贸n dentro de un grupo. El objetivo del trabajo colaborativo es encontrar ese entendimiento compartido, el cual se entiende como la concordancia o similitud existente en las percepciones de los participantes sobre una tem谩tica. Considerando esto, se puede determinar que cuanto mayor sea el entendimiento y la cohesi贸n entre todos los miembros del equipo, mejores resultados se obtendr谩n en el desarrollo de las tareas y responsabilidades que cada uno de los miembros debe cumplir, generando mayor confianza grupal y permitiendo que todos avancen en la misma direcci贸n. Sin embargo, dicho entendimiento no es f谩cil de construir, no hay claridad en c贸mo se debe construir, y sencillamente se da como algo obvio o que debe lograrse, sin darle la real importancia. Tratando de abordar estas problem谩ticas, a partir de la metodolog铆a de investigaci贸n-acci贸n multiciclo se define THUNDERS, un proceso que establece c贸mo construir entendimiento compartido en actividades de resoluci贸n de problemas. Este art铆culo muestra los ciclos conceptual y metodol贸gico para su construcci贸n, y m谩s en detalle el ciclo de validaci贸n, en el cual se realizaron: una validaci贸n de expertos de la especificaci贸n formal de THUNDERS para determinar la correctitud y completitud de su estructura, una validaci贸n de calidad de su modelo de proceso SPEM 2.0, y un experimento para validar su viabilidad y utilidad. Como resultado de estas validaciones se obtuvo que THUNDERS necesita mejorar elementos sint谩cticos, sem谩nticos de su especificaci贸n, y la carga cognitiva que genera su uso. Adem谩s, se obtuvo que es un proceso viable y 煤til para la construcci贸n de un entendimiento compartido con cada uno de los elementos que lo componen

    Pheochromocytoma-paraganglioma type 5 syndrome associated with mutation in the succinate dehydrogenase type A complex (SDHA), a case report

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    Pheochromocytomas and paragangliomas are rare neuroendocrine neoplasms that can produce catecholamines, with an incidence of less than one case per million inhabitants. They are histologically benign and minimally different from their malignant counterparts. The most common mutation is in the succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) complex pathway, and one of the least reported is the SDH subunit A (SDHA) mutation. A case of a patient with pheochromocytoma and paraganglioma, associated with mutation in SDHA, its behavior and good clinical response to surgical management and active surveillance is described

    A strategy for building shared understanding in requirements engineering activities

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    The requirements allow the development team to clearly understand the needs that the customer intends to be solved by the system, in this sense, understanding the context, capturing, negotiating, specifying, verifying, validating, and prioritizing the requirements may seem a relatively simple task, but there is a need to have a correct communication, and throughout this process, many changes and reprocesses occur due to misinterpretation or lack of information, in addition to considering that in the teams that perform these activities participate people from different disciplines, business units, cultures, with different levels of experience and therefore, each one will have different ways of perceiving the tasks, the key problems, which give meaning to the requirements according to their situation and knowledge, without having a joint base of homogeneous understanding within the team. Therefore, this work proposes a strategy for the construction of a shared understanding in the activities of requirements engineering, where its completeness, usefulness, and ease of use were validated, through an experiment executed as part of the development process of a software tool for the management of information and data processing of an agricultural and livestock association in Cauca. Using the conceptual, methodological, and validation cycle of the multi-cycle action research methodology, it was concluded that the strategy is complete and useful, but it is not easy to use, because its definition contains several elements that are difficult to handle, and it lacks adequate support to support and facilitate its application.Facultad de Inform谩tic

    Hacia la construcci贸n de un proceso de trabajo colaborativo para la elicitaci贸n de requisitos basado en entendimiento compartido

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    La elicitaci贸n de requisitos se considera como una actividad compleja y vital del proceso de desarrollo de software, en la cual se busca abstraer y comprender problemas y necesidades que se pueden resolver con la construcci贸n de un producto software. As铆 como es conocida su importancia, sigue siendo una de las actividades m谩s d茅biles del proceso, siendo esencialmente, una actividad humana en la cual se intercambian diferentes perspectivas, experiencias y conocimientos para recopilar y modelar lo que el software debe hacer. Adem谩s, en esta se conjugan una mezcla de estrategias, herramientas y colaboraciones entre per sonas, lo que hace que el entendimiento com煤n y homog茅neo de estos problemas y necesidades no se logre f谩cilmente. En consecuencia, este art铆culo presenta el avance inicial de la investigaci贸n que ha permitido articular y fundamentar una propuesta para la definici贸n de un proceso de trabajo colaborativo, en la elicitaci贸n de requisitos basado en entendimiento compartido. Este proceso busca guiar y apoyar la construcci贸n del entendimiento compartido para que la elicitaci贸n de los requisitos sea m谩s confiable y por ende la construcci贸n de producto software tambi茅n.Facultad de Inform谩tic